By Nursing Student and Fashion Blogger Olivia DeFilippo

By Nursing Student and Fashion Blogger Olivia DeFilippo
Most nurse practitioners I talk to are understandably hesitant to even consider working in a...
By Healthcare Law Attorney Alex Scarbrough Fisher
As much as I hate to make accusations, I swear some of my patients show up in the emergency...
If you’re on the hunt for the perfect nurse practitioner job, you’ve undoubtedly searched a job...
It’s worse than getting picked last in gym class. It hurts more than getting the cold shoulder from...
Valentine’s Day (or Singles Awareness Day, acronym S.A.D., as my sister likes to call it) is just...
I have been in serious literary nostalgia mode this week. This weekend I read an excerpt from a...
In continuing with today’s theme of all things manly, I thought I should mention that the other...
Sorry, guys. It has been brought to my attention by a male reader that ThriveAP content is skewed...
Add prescribing medical marijuana to the scope of practice for nurse practitioners practicing in...
I have never really looked into prescribing medical marijuana because it is not legal in the state...