If you are deciding between the ANCC and AANP nurse practitioner certification exams, looking at...

If you are deciding between the ANCC and AANP nurse practitioner certification exams, looking at...
It’s that time of year, Super Bowl time. While this Sunday will be filled with football and food...
When I tell people I work as a nurse practitioner in the emergency department, the most common...
I’ve always fancied myself a small hospital or independent clinic kind of girl. My first nurse...
It seems like no matter where and when you go to school and how old you are or how advanced your...
I’m a sucker for a good ‘Top 10’ or ‘Top 100’ or ‘Best of …’ list. That’s why every year when U.S....
By Nursing Student and Future NP Olivia DeFilippo
I spent a week in Florida over the holidays. My days there were a welcome break from the chilly...
What you need to know before signing a consent order
It seems that we as physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants get a little bit...
Last night my Nashville ladies book club reconvened for 2015. We always take a break from reading...
Put up your dukes! The New York Post has picked a fight with nurse practitioners. Last week, the...