Throughout my career as a nurse practitioner, I have enjoyed flexibility in many forms. PRN...

Throughout my career as a nurse practitioner, I have enjoyed flexibility in many forms. PRN...
As a group, my nurse practitioner coworkers and I in the emergency department, enjoy some freedom...
The lines are certainly blurred when it comes to nurse practitioners practicing in specialty areas....
We are so excited over here at ThriveAP headquarters about the success of ThriveAP+. The inaugural...
Every healthcare provider worries about being sued. Not only does having a malpractice lawsuit...
Have you read Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? I first picked up the book...
I don’t think I’ve ever used duct tape for its intended purpose. Rather, the several rolls knocking...
Eesh, you guys. I totally under-celebrated Nurse’s Week here at ThriveAP. My apologies. With my...
I recently discovered TED talks. Being the not-so secret nerd that I am, I watch them on my...
Cramming for exams? In my days as a nurse practitioner student, I employed several study tactics to...
Do you have what it takes to brave bitter cold winters? Do you have the boundless energy required...
Have you ever considered medical missions? Whether internationally, or here on the home front, if...