It seems that working in the emergency department some days all I do is write prescriptions. Muscle...

It seems that working in the emergency department some days all I do is write prescriptions. Muscle...
Does anyone else find fall the perfect time to read? The weather is just crisp enough not to feel...
Guess what NP’s? It’s that time of year again…flu season. The buildup to flu season is always quite...
I attended a seminar last month where nurse practitioner ‘independence’ was a core topics of...
This past week I traveled to London to visit friends. From dining on traditional British fare to...
If you are like most nurse practitioners, like it or not, you deal with medical billing and coding...
Has your nurse practitioner career hit a bit of a rut? Is the regular old routine starting to wear...
What’s your tried and true hiccup quick fix? Do you drink a glass of water upside-down? Or, maybe...
While Ebola has yet to spread within the United States, one nurse in Spain has contracted the...
Last month I attended the NPACE conference in Nashville. The keynote presentation delivered by...
One of the best things about being a nurse practitioner is the ability to work in almost any area...