A few weeks ago, I relayed a few of my sentiments about areas nurse practitioner programs could use...

A few weeks ago, I relayed a few of my sentiments about areas nurse practitioner programs could use...
By Nursing Student Caitlin Webb
Can you believe it’s already time to plan winter travel? Apparently the rest of the country forgot...
In some practices, particularly those affiliated with academic institutions, nurse practitioners...
There are times when patients come to you as a nurse practitioner as a last resort. Perhaps they...
On vacation earlier last week, my friend and I strolled a London street market. Browsing the wine...
By Accelerated Nursing Student Ashley Prince
I’ve talked before about how state scope of practice laws can affect your nurse practitioner job...
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants work in very similar settings and in many cases are...
Last week I had the pleasure of chatting with Anna, a CRNA student well into her 28 month program....
Life as a clinical student is stressful. Whether you’re in your undergrad nursing years, a nurse...
Yesterday morning I was frantically getting ready to leave for church. The decision to spend time...