If you know you want to become a neonatal nurse practitioner, congratulations. You’ve completed the...

If you know you want to become a neonatal nurse practitioner, congratulations. You’ve completed the...
If you’ve ever worked in the emergency department, you realize that it’s all about efficiency. How...
Today I realized that sometime within the next few weeks (I can’t recall my exact graduation date)...
I decided to take my pre-night shift nap outdoors yesterday. This move proved largely ineffective...
Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s Sunday so you probably think this post is a little premature. But no, I am...
While the average salary for nurse practitioners lies somewhere between $91,000 and $94,000...
While location, the job market and years of experience certainly affect how much nurse...
Whether you wear scrubs or “regular” clothes to work, the workplace wardrobe can get pretty...
If you work in primary care, you’re probably well aware the system could use a facelift. You know...
Mapping out a path to becoming a nurse practitioner can be confusing. A profession popular with...
Have you read Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In yet? I first heard of Sandburg’s revolutionary...
You may not know that I am married to a health insurance expert. My husband Alex founded a company...