I’m not a fan of giving what could be considered normal physical or emotional states labels. If you...

I’m not a fan of giving what could be considered normal physical or emotional states labels. If you...
I love working in the emergency department. The unpredictability of what each work day holds keeps...
Over the past few months, I have noticed a prevalence of ads publicizing Viagra’s home delivery...
People often comment on my ability to operate on very little sleep. My response is not that I don’t...
The average salary for nurse practitioners varies significantly by state. From New York where the...
After graduating from your nurse practitioner program, finding a job is priority #1. Once you’ve...
I don’t always cover each of my news segments on ThriveAP as I figure you all as medical providers...
By ThriveAP Intern and Nurse-in-Training Olivia DeFilippo
Do you ever feel like you spend more time on documentation than with actual patients? Or, that if...
When I get home from work my husband always asks about my day. Lacking the words and energy to...
Have you ever thought about working in natural or integrative medicine? The field fits the nurse...
Last night, I showed up for my overnight shift in the ER having just arrived home from vacation a...