I’ve made a habit of purchasing funny tees for the various seasons of the year, holidays, and other...
Nurse Practitioner Lifestyle (14)
Unlike my primary care colleagues, working as a nurse practitioner in the emergency department, I...
Wearing a band aid is pretty much a major drag. The adhesive attracts ick around the edges, not to...
Typically, I prioritize outdoor time in the summer. Whether perched in a chair on my front porch,...
I always imagined I would go to medical school. A biology major, I was on the premed track...
Happy Independence Day! It is officially my favorite holiday weekend. The 4th captures the...
Instagram has become my go-to social media platform these days. It reads more like a lifestyle...
There’s just something great about free samples. No matter how much money you earn, or how little...
My life as a nurse practitioner can get a little bit crazy sometimes. Balancing a schedule packed...
Are you itching to get outdoors this summer? Last night in the emergency department, I was talking...
I entered the nurse practitioner profession in the primary care setting. As idealistic as they...
I must be in a mushy mood of some sort, because all I can think to write about today is the...