Those of us nurse practitioners working in hospitals, or even better hospital systems, have...

Those of us nurse practitioners working in hospitals, or even better hospital systems, have...
A few summers ago, I ventured on an Alaskan cruise with family. All I can say about the experience...
Yes, I know, it’s totally unfair to post a pic of McDreamy then pose the question “medical TV...
By ThriveAP Intern and Nursing Student Olivia De Filippo
It’s quite appropriate that I had this topic on the schedule for today. I have just woken up from...
One of the more frustrating things about my job in the emergency department is the hurdles patients...
While changes to our healthcare system are controversial, they bring good news when it comes to...
Do you ever see patients that you really want to help? You know, the patients you wish you could...
In choosing which nurse practitioner certifying body you will use, one thing to consider is cost....
In 2012, photographer Carolyn Jones set out across the country to capture the lives of nurses with...
With graduation season comes certification time for nurse practitioner program graduates. Signing...
The NP vs. PA dilemma is a common one among aspiring healthcare professionals. If you aren’t...