ThriveAP Blog

What Do You Want to See on ThriveAP This Year? | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | Jan 2, 2018 2:54:33 PM

Share your opinion!

It’s officially the first working day of 2018…how are you holding up? I’m having a tough time leaving the house this morning and am not quite ready to hit the office. C’est la vie. It’s always difficult to get back in the swing of things after a long holiday break (if you even got one as a nurse or NP), but I have to say I am looking forward to some annual planning and goal setting sessions over the next few days. Which is why I want to hear from you!

On the ThriveAP blog, my idea is to maintain a balance. I share a little bit about my own life working as a nurse practitioner while also covering other aspects of the NP career and education. Based on my conversations with clinic and hospital administrators, for example, I might share employment advice. Or, hearing from MMU participants, I might let readers in on new grad NPs’ perspectives. This year marks my 10th year practicing as a nurse practitioner and I’m excited that many of my best (and worst!) experiences as an NP can be shared. Thank you for reading. 

While I have become established in my career as a nurse practitioner, new ideas, thoughts and trends are always popping up in healthcare. With an ever-evolving profession like that as an NP, there’s always something different to talk about. Not to mention, even with experience, I’m always personally learning something new. 

This year, I want to make sure to cover the topics that are most important to you in your own nurse practitioner journey. Whether you’re a new NP student unsure what to expect as you embark on your education path or a seasoned nurse practitioner with practice-related questions, I want ThriveAP to be a place where you can get answers and discover fresh content and ideas. 

Finally, if you are interested in sharing your own experiences or thoughts on life as a nurse practitioner, as a student or on healthcare in general, ThriveAP does accept well-written blog posts from guest authors. Please let us know if you have something to share and would like to be published on the blog by emailing us at the address below.  

What do you want to read or learn about in 2018 related to you NP education or career?  Email or post a comment below to share your feedback.