ThriveAP Blog

The Ultimate NP Resume Objective Statement | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | Jan 18, 2017 4:06:49 PM

If you ask me, a resume objective statement isn’t necessary for nurse practitioners. So, if you don’t want to include an objective statement on your CV, that’s OK. Stop reading this blog post and peruse last week’s article about job search networking success instead (or this one about apps dealing with poop). But, if you are one of those nurse practitioners who simply cannot stomach the thought of submitting a resume without clearly stating your intentions, read on. 

Objective statements must be carefully crafted so as not to detract from the rest of your resume. Headlining your CV, they are the first thing an employer will read and negative first impressions are difficult to overcome. There are a few things NPs must take into consideration when constructing the ultimate objective statement. 

First, your objective statement must, must, must highlight the value you will bring to your prospective employer, not what the position will bring to you. For example, if you are a new graduate, an objective statement stating that you are ‘seeking a position in a practice where you can learn and grow as a nurse practitioner’ is a major red flag to an employer. It screams ‘inexperienced’. Avoid me’s, my’s and I’s in your objective section. Deliver a statement that highlights the professional skills you have to contribute in a particular practice setting. Your statement should pack a punch

Second, keep your audience in mind when drafting a resume objective. Too often nurse practitioners idealize patient care to the extreme in their objective statements, a potential turnoff for employers concerned with generating revenue. For example, an objective statement containing the words ‘spending quality time with patients’ conjures thoughts of potential inefficiency in the minds of an employer, warranted or not. Nurse practitioners must remember that while medical practices are of course focused on caring for patients, they must generate revenue in the process. The higher-ups reviewing your resume are often those operating the business side of the practice to which you are applying. Buzzwords like ‘obtain a position as a highly productive member of a primary care team’ will serve you better.

Finally, you should rework your objective each time you apply for a position. An objective statement noting you’re looking for either a position in a community health clinic or a specialty practice lacks luster. Your objective should be focused, succinct and direct. Tailoring it specifically to the position to which you are applying will be well worth the effort. 

How did you word your nurse practitioner objective statement?


Ultimate objective statement or not, if you could use some help with your job search, connect with a ThriveAP Career Advisor today! ThriveAP’s Career Advisors are happy to take care of the job search process for you, start to finish. 

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