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Top ICD-10 Diagnoses of NPs Taking the Certification Exam | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | May 27, 2015 7:28:41 AM

Studying for the nurse practitioner certification exam? If you’ve recently graduated from a nurse practitioner program, you are likely feeling the weight of your impending boards. The stress of finals has dissipated only to be replaced by an even more significant obligation-studying for the test necessary to land you a job. You may even find the stress of certification prep to be pathological. Here are a few medical conditions likely to befall new grad nurse practitioners.

Vitamin D Deficiency, Unspecified (E55.9)

Lack of sunlight, check. While the rest of the world arrived back from Memorial Day festivities with sun-kissed highlights and a bronzy beach glow, as a new nurse practitioner you haven’t seen daylight since graduation day. On the upside, your stuck indoors exam prep leaves you less likely to suffer from C43.9, malignant melanoma.

Poisoning by Caffeine, Accidental (T43.611A)

You shouldn’t have cracked open that last Diet Coke… Studying for the nurse practitioner certification exam is best aided by caffeine. After all, studies do show the stuff has a positive effect on memory. Caution is advised when spending the day switching back and forth between coffee and soda consumption.

Social Isolation (Z65.8)

Was your last social outing a post-graduation dinner with friends and family? If so, then your excessive flashcard studying and practice test taking is likely leaving you lonely. Perhaps a group study session is in order?

Hyperglycemia, Unspecified (R73.9)

As any nurse practitioner student knows, junk food is the only real cure for studying blues. Whether you’re downing venti Frappuccinos or baking cookies as a procrastination method, studying for the certification exam will surely spike your blood sugar.

Attention Deficit Disorder, Predominately Inattentive Type (F90.0)

Maintaining focus on your studies is always a struggle, not to mention you’ve just made it through finals week only to be confronted by an even weightier exam. The draw of sunny weather, social engagements or cleaning out your sock drawer is leaves you sitting at your desk daydreaming.

Lack of Adequate Sleep (Z72.82)

Even when you finally throw your study materials to the side and shut the light off to catch some zzz’s, you can’t sleep. Concern about your certification exam creeps in. You repeatedly review the treatment algorithm for hypertension in your mind. Finally, just as you get the pediatric immunization schedule out of your head, your alarm sounds for an early am wake up call.

Acute Stress Disorder (F43.0)

Enough said.

If you could use some guidance (or a semi-productive way to procrastinate) in helping prepare for your certification exam, check out ThriveAP’s nurse practitioner certification link pack for articles offering tips and tricks for test preparation.


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