ThriveAP Blog

Out With the Old, In With the New: Looking Back on My NP Year | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | Jan 7, 2015 3:31:23 PM

Last night my husband and I sat down over a home-cooked meal and drafted our 2015 New Year’s resolutions. Yeah, yeah, we’re a few days behind but travels and getting back into the swing of things took precedent over the past few days. We began our resolution-making session by peeking back on past year’s commitments and having a little laugh.

As a couple we do a pretty good job at goal setting. Our resolution rules? They must be measurable and achievable. I’m not saying we only set goals that are easy to check off the list, but they must be something within the realm of possibility. On my list this year is to go to yoga twice a week (which I secretly hope will lead to the ability to do a yoga headstand) and for Alex and I to have one new date night activity each month. For example, go to a hockey game or see live music at a new venue rather than the same old dinner and a movie routine (although there’s certainly nothing wrong with that!). I’ll spare you my more private goals.

Not only do I make personal resolutions, every year I think through my career. What do I want to accomplish? Before making new resolutions I look at past objectives and evaluate my performance. Here are my resolutions from last year.

Overall, I did pretty well when it came to achieving my 2014 goals. I did make well received efforts to focus on customer service in my practice versus churning patients in and out of the ER (although this doesn’t fit my metric of being measurable…). I also increased my media appearances to occur on a regular basis (so much NYC fun!). When it came to putting on a video conference for NPs, I did one better- I added video content and a message board to ThriveAP and am continuing to post video material over the course of the coming year.

Unfortunately, I fell short when it came to getting involved in my local nurse practitioner community. I attended a national NP conference but went to exactly zero meetings geared toward nurse practitioners practicing in Tennessee. Epic fail. This resolution will be making a 2015 reappearance.

If you ask me, the first step to making any sort of New Year’s resolutions relating to your nurse practitioner life (or pre-NP life) for the coming year is to look back. What did you like about your job in 2014? In what areas could your practice use some improvement? Are there any career transitions you are have been hesitant to make but are ready to take the plunge? Where do you excel in your career and where do you feel you are falling short? Take a few notes. Then, turn these into your 2015 New Year’s resolutions. Mine are coming soon…


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