Finding a job when you already have one isn’t easy. Looking to transition from employment in urgent care to a role as a nurse practitioner in the emergency department, I found it difficult to find time for the job search and interview process. Asking for a morning off for an ‘appointment’, which my employer likely assumed was for dental work but in actuality was for a job interview, felt dishonest. Attempting to squeeze job interviews into my demanding work schedule landed me in some awkward positions.
I applied online for a job in a local emergency department and received a voicemail from the prospective employer. I returned the call on my lunch break. Always the multitasker, my lunch break plans for the day involved a quick grocery store run and getting my car washed. Mistiming my call back, I found myself on the phone with the prospective employer as my car was pulled through the car wash. The car wash was much noisier than I expected, and the recruiter for the position could tell something was amiss. Embarrassed, and trying not to seem completely incompetent, I chalked up the noise to a poor connection. Rather than offering to call back in a few minutes, I fought through the noise which was a major mistake. I was rattled and certainly did not come across as someone the organization would want on their team.
In a slightly more effective attempt to obtain a job as an emergency department nurse practitioner, I interviewed with another area hospital. My meeting with the medical director went well, although he was concerned about m lack of ER experience. The position was offered to a physician assistant significantly more seasoned than myself.
Nothing was inherently wrong with my approach to this interview. I performed professionally and came prepared with my resume, several questions, and had done my background research. Still looking for new employment months later, however, I should have followed up. This employer was my best shot at advancing my NP career at that point in time. Had I followed up every few months, I may have been able to get my foot in the door of the emergency department more quickly. Instead, I allowed myself to be overlooked for additional positions that opened up. Interview blunder number two, lack of follow up.
My final interview blunder actually resulted in a job offer. The interview itself went seamlessly, with one exception. I had neglected to educate myself as to the basics of nurse practitioner employment agreements. Thrilled to have found a job before I graduated from my nurse practitioner program, I immediately signed the proposed contract. I did not have much leverage to negotiate as a new grad NP, however I would have been wise to seek clarification on several terms of my employment. Neglecting to do so ultimately led to a bitter departure from this employer a year later. Interview blunder lesson number three? An offer is just the benign of the job acquisition process.
What mistakes have you made in your nurse practitioner job interviews?