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How to Write a Letter of Resignation from Your NP Job | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | Jan 9, 2015 1:36:56 PM

There comes a time for every nurse practitioner job to end. Whether you’re retiring to a tropical island or a simply looking for a change in specialty, there’s a right way to leave your job. Part of quitting your job with class is writing a proper letter of resignation.

Drafting an appropriate letter of resignation serves many purposes. First, it’s a way to thank an employer for your time with the company and a foundation for parting on good terms. Second, it formally acknowledges the timeframe for you leaving your position, an action made necessary by many employment agreements.

If you are leaving your job, it’s best to let your boss know first in a one-on-one meeting. It can be nerve-wracking to discuss your plans to quit with your boss in person, but in most cases this is the best first step to take. Then, follow up with a resignation email to formalize and document your intentions.

Here’s what you should include in your letter of resignation.

Your intent to leave your position

Open your letter by stating your intent to leave your position. Include the date you will be moving on. Make sure this date is in line with the terms in your employment agreement. Your intent must be clear so your employer doesn’t think you are open to negotiating for a higher salary etc. (unless this is the case).

Your reason for moving on

Letting your employer know why you’re making a change is 100 percent optional. If you are resigning for personal reasons like relocating, retirement or having a baby, your boss may appreciate the insight. It is perfectly fine to include that you have accepted a position at another company if this is the case. If dissatisfaction with your position is leading you to move on, you should probably forgo the details. You want your resignation letter to maintain a positive tone.

Say “Thanks”

Give a shout out to your employer in your letter. Chances are you’ve learned something valuable working in this position or fostered quality relationships with other employees. Thank you employer for the opportunity to work with the company. This also helps keep you in your boss’ good graces should he/she be called on as a reference in the future.

Offer a smooth transition

Hiring and training new employees is a big stress on an employer. In your letter of resignation, offer to help make the transition as smooth as possible. If your boss is hiring a new grad nurse practitioner to take your place, for example, offer to help mentor him/her on the days your employment overlaps. Help replacement NPs or PAs learn the ropes of your company’s EMR system and introduce them to others who may be able to assist with questions in your absence. You may even offer to help recruit another nurse practitioner to fill your position.

Remember, regardless of your relationship with your boss, a letter of resignation from your nurse practitioner position should be tactful, professional, and positive in nature. Read your letter before sending it, then sit on it for 24 more hours. Read it again. A short waiting period makes sure you will be comfortable with the letter’s content and wording in the long run. It may become part of your permanent file with human resources at the clinic or hospital where you work. You don’t want a mistake now to hurt your career in the future.

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