What’s your tried and true hiccup quick fix? Do you drink a glass of water upside-down? Or, maybe you’re more of a believer in swallowing a spoonful of peanut butter (mmmm…). We’ve all heard of wacky ways to cure a persistent case of the hiccups. One company has even commercialized the problem creating a “Hiccup Stick“. Wive’s tales aside, there is actually a medical explanation for why hiccups occur and formal recommendations for their treatment.
Hiccups aren’t a problem for which most people seek medical help. But, there can be cases where the annoying problem just won’t go away. If a patient presents to your clinic or emergency department with a nasty case, do you know what to do?
What are hiccups, anyway?
Medically speaking, hiccups are known as SDF (synchronous diaphragmatic flutter). In SDF the diaphragm and larynx contract simultaneously which closes the glottis and blocks air intake. This action closes the vocal cords creating a ‘hic’ sound.
Hiccups can occur individually or in bouts, lasting minutes to months. When hiccups occur in bouts, they occur rhythmically at relatively consistent intervals at anywhere from 4 to 60 hiccups per minute. Bouts that do not resolve after one month are considered to be intractable (can you imagine?!).
Hiccups are more common in men than women. 82% of cases of intractable hiccups occur in males. Hiccups are also more likely to occur in evening hours for both sexes and during the first half of the menstrual cycle in women. They can occur at any age. In fact, it is estimated that preterm infants spend 2.5% of their time hiccuping.
What causes hiccups?
Hiccups can be caused by both physiologic or psychologic processes. The most common causes of hiccups include:
Persistent hiccups can be a symptom of a more serious medical problem. Causes of persistent or intractable hiccups include:
How do you determine the cause of hiccups?
Anyone can diagnose hiccups, it’s treating them that’s the trick. In patients with persistent hiccups, a thorough exam and workup is warranted to rule out a potentially serious cause of the problem. Lab studies including checking electrolytes, renal and liver function, as well as a white blood cell count should be done. In cases where infectious disease is a possibility, urine and sputum collection as well as CSF collection should be considered. Imaging studies such as a chest X-ray and/or CT scan of the head, thorax, and abdomen can be helpful in ruling out infection and tumor. MRI may be useful in ruling out causes such as multiple sclerosis, and pathology of the vagus and phrenic nerves.
In many cases, the cause of hiccups is not found. This is especially true in children and in cases that resolve spontaneously within a few minutes.
Treating Hiccups
Interestingly, many home remedies are effective in treating simple cases of hiccups. These remedies are typically methods of increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. Effective home remedies for treating hiccups include:
Occasionally, treatment of hiccups requires pharmacologic intervention. Drugs effective in relieving hiccups include:
In very rare cases, surgical intervention is required. Phrenic nerve ablation can alleviate hiccups but carries serious risks including respiratory complications.
Have you ever treated a case of intractable hiccups?
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