One of the obvious prerequisites to becoming a nurse practitioner is acquiring an RN degree and license. You can’t after all become a nurse practitioner without first being a nurse. The RN and NP role are however very different and many prospective nurse practitioner’s don’t want to work as nurses. Do you have to work as a nurse before attending a nurse practitioner program or working as a nurse?
The short answer is “No”, you do not have to work as a nurse before attending a nurse practitioner program or working as a nurse practitioner. Personally, I have never been employed as a RN, never worked on the hospital floor, inserted a foley catheter on the job or even manned an IV pump for pay. I learned how to do all these things in school but have never been employed as an RN. How do you become a nurse practitioner without working your way up the nursing ladder?
As with any major life decision, there are positives and negatives to acquiring RN work experience before becoming a nurse practitioner. Choosing not to punctuate your career path with RN experience will allow you to complete your NP degree more quickly and launch you into a higher income bracket earlier in your career. However, you will not have as much experience with basic nursing duties which can leave you occasionally frustrated on the job.
NP’s- do you recommend working as a RN before becoming a nurse practitioner? Share your experiences and advice by commenting below!
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