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The Dirty Dozen: Lowest Paying States for Nurse Practitioners | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | Oct 24, 2016 12:39:17 AM

When you’re looking for a nurse practitioner job or evaluating a potential career change or advancement, salary is a major piece of the equation. If you are relocating for a position, will your move have a positive or negative impact on your earning potential? Does going back to school to become a nurse practitioner make financial sense for you?

The first step in evaluating these kinds of questions is to look at how much you can expect to earn as an NP. While average salaries certainly don’t dictate your exact income, they can at least give you an idea of how much you can plan to make in your practice. Pay for nurse practitioners varies significantly across job markets so looking at state and city specific average salaries is the best way to approach your earnings analysis. These twelve states have the least favorable nurse practitioner salaries in the nation. 

1. Oklahoma 

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $82,880

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $39.85/hour

2. Kansas 

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $84,270

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $40.51/hour

3. Illinois

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $85,410

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $41.06/hour

4. Pennsylvania 

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $88,410

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $42.54/hour

5. South Carolina

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $88,460

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $42.53/hour

6. North Dakota

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $88,520

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $42.56/hour

7. West Virginia

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $88,780

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $42.68/hour

8. Missouri

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $89,690

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $43.12/hour

9. South Dakota 

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $90,210

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $43.37/hour

10. Nebraska

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $90,240

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $43.38/hour

11. Wyoming

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $90,400

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $43.46/hour

12. Georgia

Mean Nurse Practitioner Salary: $90,490

Mean Nurse Practitioner Hourly Wage: $43.50/hour

Don’t forget to take cost of living into account when evaluating nurse practitioner salaries. Many of the states falling into the lowest paying category are inexpensive places to live. Rural locations may also offer student loan repayment programs to nurse practitioners practicing medically underserved areas making an employment package much more attractive. How does your pay compare to average salaries in these states?

*Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


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