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6 Tips for Starting Your New Nurse Practitioner Job Off Right | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | Oct 31, 2014 11:45:12 AM

Starting a new job is stressful. You’re managing relationships with new coworkers, facing a steep learning curve if you are a recent graduate, and learning to navigate a new workplace environment. ThriveAP intern Stephanie Bauer has gathered some tips and tricks for getting your new NP job off on the right foot.

Take advantage of orientation

Make sure you take advantage of any orientations offered to new employees or courses that help new hires learn more. Even experienced nurses and NPs can learn more about what is expected from their position and how to improve quality of patient care. Don’t skip out on these sessions. Any opportunity you have to receive more education, get new tips on conquering your job, and network with other employees is a good one- take advantage!

Identify a mentor

Many times, as a new employee, and especially if you are a new graduate, you will be matched with a mentor to help train you in your new position. Get as much information as possible from your mentor during your designated training time. When formal mentoring ends, seek out informal mentors such as more seasoned nurses or NPs. This will help you as you have questions day to day ultimately helping you grow your skill set.

Bond with the team

You always want to be known as a team player on the job. You will be working with many other providers and hospital or clinic employees from those working in housekeeping to phlebotomists, physicians, and hospital higher-ups. Get to know your co-workers on all rungs of the corporate ladder. Help out in difficult situations even if it means going above and beyond. In the future they will do the same for you.

Observe other nurses and/or nurse practitioners

Being observant and watching how experts in your unit interact with patients and other colleagues is necessary. This is something ThriveAP’s Erin Tolbert credits to her ER success. When working in the emergency department for the first few months, she would see patients with physicians when she wasn’t busy with her own patient assignments to get added experience and learn from those further along in their careers. Observing others makes you more knowledgeable and gives you a wide range of provider’s perspectives to draw from. Learn how your colleagues arrive at the decisions they make and handle the day to day tasks and stressors of their jobs.

Take time to de-stress

Take time for yourself every now and then. Read a book, take a long, hot bath, or simply enjoy a little peace and quiet. Reducing your stress helps you mellow out and recharge so you can approach the coming day or week refreshed and ready to tackle your new position.

Don’t give up

Any job can be overwhelming at times, especially a new position. When you start a new nursing or NP job, you may feel lost. You need time and training to adjust to your new responsibilities and to feel adept in your work. Give yourself a chance! Make it a goal to overcome one new struggle each day and learn as much as possible. It will get better.


Could you use help finding a new nurse practitioner job? ThriveAP’s Career Advisor Program can help!

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