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5 Online Trauma CME Resources for Nurse Practitioners | ThriveAP

Written by ThriveAP Team Member | Jan 21, 2021 10:00:31 AM

The hospital where I work has recently upped its trauma level status. So, it has come to my attention, there is now a trauma-related continuing education requirement for nurse practitioners working in the emergency department. My continuing education hours necessary for certification have already been completed, so, in the interest of maximizing my budget, I prefer to meet this new trauma requirement at low or no cost. Fortunately, I was able to identify a few budget-friendly trauma CME resources available to nurse practitioners online.

If you are also looking to meet a trauma continuing education requirement, or, could simply stand to bank a few more CE hours regardless of topic, check out the following budget-friendly trauma resources.

1. CMEweb

CMEweb offers a wide variety of continuing education content, including several trauma-related courses. Content on topics such as “Initial Evaluation and Clearance of Spinal Injuries”, “Blast Injuries”, and “Submersion and Drowning Injuries”, are sure to meet trauma CE requirements. Most courses cost between $35 and $45 to complete, and award about 2.5 credit hours. While CMEweb’s trauma content certainly isn’t free, the topics are relevant to practice in the trauma setting making them a purchase worth considering.

2. Society of Trauma Nurses

Membership in the organization is required to access continuing education content through the Society of Trauma Nurses. Paying the $110 membership fee may be worth it, however, for nurse practitioners with a trauma CE requirement. The organization’s website offers a handful of trauma-related continuing education courses free to nurse members.

3. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital offers a number of online trauma modules awarding free continuing medical education credit. Simply create a login, and get started. Course content is easy to navigate, and searchable by topic or keyword. Upon completion of a course, downloading a CME certificate is simple. Users may also opt to store CME certificates in the hospital’s online portal. Trauma content on the site includes courses such as “Bullets, Knives, and Fence Posts: Pediatric Penetrating Trauma”, “Post-Traumatic Headaches”, and “A Plan to Reduce Teen Driving Collisions”.

4. American College of Emergency Physicians

The American College of Emergency Physicians website features a general trauma, as well as a pediatric trauma, CME collection. While these collections cost $299 and $139 for non-ACEP members respectively, they do award between 7 and 18 hours of continuing education credit each. Compared with many other CME options available, the cost per credit of these courses is quite reasonable. Included in ACEP’s trauma modules are topics like “Burns, Bones, and Bruises in Babes” and “Drugs You Need in the Trauma Bay”.

5. Pediatric Trauma Society

The Pediatric Trauma Society lists several organizations offering free trauma continuing education credits. The list also includes links to each source, as well as helpful instructions for accessing CME content. If you’re looking for free continuing education content, moving through the Pediatric Trauma Society’s list of resources is bound to help you obtain the CE hours you need without cost.

Where have you found helpful trauma continuing education courses?

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