Summer has just come to a close, but I feel like I could already use a fall getaway. School year sicknesses have clinics and hospitals hopping and many NPs and PAs could use a break. Not to mention, its always nice to have a vacation on the books giving you something to look forward to during those 12 hour shifts. The only thing that could make a fall getaway more appealing? Making it an employer funded vacation.
If you’ve saved your continuing medical education allowance for the end of the year, it’s time to start booking your next CME conference. Most companies have a use-it-or-lose-it policy when it comes to continuing education benefits so you might as well put your CME cash to work by getting an educational trip on the books. If your continuing education allowance is eating a hole in your pocket, consider attending one of these exciting fall conferences.
1. Emergency and Urgent Care Live Course in Hilton Head (October 2-5, 2013)
Hosted by the American Academy of Family Physicians
While I haven’t been to Hilton Head myself, I hear this South Carolina beach town is simply fabulous. This conference put on by the American Academy of Family Physicians promises to cover topics from suturing techniques and acute renal failure to traumatic brain injury and chronic arterial insufficiency. After the day’s courses are complete, a leisurely stroll along the beach or a trip to the spa promise to provide a relaxing touch to your educational experience.
2. Conference on Wilderness and Travel Medicine Machu Picchu Peru (October 20-30, 2013)
Hosted by the Wilderness Medicine Educational Company
A girl can dream, right? I’ve always wanted to attend a wilderness medicine conference. The pairing of an international adventure along with the opportunity to take courses titled “Surviving the Unexpected Night Out” and “Snake Envenomation” cannot be matched. This course educates medical providers all while hiking the historic Inca Trail and exploring the ruins of Machu Picchu. While most NPs and PAs will need to chip in some of their own funds to cover the cost of this pricey conference, this once in a lifetime experience seems worth the added expense.
3. Eastern Mediterranean Primary Care Cruise (October 21-November 1, 2013)
Hosted by Continuing Education Inc.
If outdoor adventure isn’t your cup of tea, perhaps cruising the Greek Isles sounds more appealing. This primary care conference departs from Rome, Italy and sails the Mediterranean making stops throughout Greece and Turkey before returning to Italy. Meanwhile, attendees explore topics like “Abnormal Thyroid Tests” and “Stress Fracture Diagnosis and Management”. Medical education doesn’t damper the travel experience on this cruise- most courses take place during times at sea. While docked, conference goers are free to sight see.
4. Primary Care Pediatrics, Disneyland California (November 29-December 1, 2013)
Hosted by MCE Conferences
Looking to vacation with the fam? This CME conference may be just the pick for you. Set along the backdrop of Snow White’s Castle and Splash Mountain, this conference offers an education on all things kids. From immunization updates to fungal infections in children, courses at this conference promise to brush up your pediatric know how. Classes end around noon each day leaving plenty of time to explore Disney and California’s tourist attractions. Better yet, nurse practitioners and physician assistants receive a $100 discount on this conference.
5. Internal Medicine for Primary Care, Oahu, Hawaii (December 15-19, 2013)
Hosted by Medical Education Resources Inc.
By the time this internal medicine conference comes around I will certainly be ready for a little sunshine. What better way to satisfy my warm weather craving than an employer sponsored Hawaiian vacation? Covering topics from “Glaucoma Management” to “How to Use New Antithrombotic Medications”, conference attendees are educated on a broad range of internal medicine topics. Classes adjourn in the early afternoon leaving plenty of time for Mai Tai’s on the beach.
How are you spending your continuing education allowance for 2013?