Blog reading is my guilty pleasure. From cooking and fashion to home decor and travel, I love a good post. The most relevant blogs I read address the medical field. They allow me to keep up to date with my practice, stay tuned to the latest health news and laugh alongside other providers. Which physician-published blogs are my favorites?
1. White Coat’s Call Room
‘A blog from inside the emergency department’, White Coat’s Call Room makes me laugh until I cry. Written by a laid-back emergency physician, this blog divulges amusing tales of ER patients, discusses recent medical news and current issues in health care. The slightly sarcastic tone of this unnamed physician’s writing casts a humorous light on the life of a medical provider. Read it. You will empathize with his views and have a good chuckle.
2. ZDogg MD
Although not technically a blog, ZDogg certainly makes my list of faves. Self-described as ‘slightly funnier than placebo’, ZDogg regularly posts videos poking fun at healthcare. In ‘Dawn of the Diff‘, for example ZDogg and friends rap about antibiotic overuse and it’s pungent implications. My personal favorite, ‘Big Pharma‘ rants about pushing pills marketed by drug reps…”throw your pills in the air if you got Medicare”. Check out ZDogg’s videos, you won’t regret it.
3. Musings of a Dinosaur
Through blogging, Dr. Lucy E. Hornstein share her life as a solo family physician. She has been in private practice for twenty years and plans to remain true to the ways of the original primary care physician- providing personalized patient care ‘until they drag my cold, dead body off into the tar pit’. Dr. Hornstein’s blog reminds us all not to take life so seriously, to get back to the basics of medicine avoiding the red tape that plagues us and instead approach our patient relationships with compassion, sincerity and humor. Soon to make an appearance on my blog, a book review of Dr. Hornstein’s “Declarations of a Dinosaur“.
4. The Health Care Blog
The Health Care Blog offers a wealth of medical discussion and information. Physicians writing for this blog explore health policy, technology and even the 2012 election sharing their opinions of how these issues will affect medical practice. Although it is without the sarcastic, lighthearted bent as my first few picks, this blog is a must-read for providers. The Health Care Blog serves as a barometer for current health care issues and will help you stay up-to-date.
5. KevinMD
A compilation of submissions from physicians of all mindsets and specialties, KevinMD discusses a wide range of health care issues. I frequent this site to assess other provider’s opinions on recent medical news and health policy matters. Although not always nurse practitioner friendly (see the comments on this article), the posts on KevinMD will force you to analyze your profession and the state of health care as a whole.
What health care blogs do you read? Share your recommendations below!