If you’re just beginning the process of planning out your family nurse practitioner education, it’s imperative that you consider whether or not the schools you’re interested in help students find sites for their clinical rotations. Though clinicals aren’t completed until the latter portion of your education, securing your own preceptors and sites be a real challenge, and in some cases, the inability to do so in a timely manner can detrimental to the completion of your program, causing you to have to delay graduation and ultimately, your career plans.
If you’re considering attending an FNP program on the east coast, you’re in luck. Here are eleven that take on the responsibility of securing clinical placements for students.
Fairfield, CT
Because FNP students at Fairfield University work closely with a faculty member to choose a clinical site in one of the surrounding communities, practicum placements are individualized based on the student’s specific learning needs.
Mansfield, CT
In all of its master’s nursing concentrations, including the FNP program, the faculty at UConn work closely with the students to identify preceptors. If a student does happen to find a preceptor on their own they want to work with, the school will work to credential and develop a contract for the preceptor of the student’s choice.
West Hartford, CT
The graduate nursing program at the University of St. Joseph has its own full time clinical coordinator to help find and secure placements for FNP students at a variety of health care agencies, however, the university does encourage students to network to find their own as well.
West Haven, CT
While Yale University encourages FNP students to bring forth any contacts they may have that might be viable clinical experience opportunities, the school does assume responsibility in finding clinical sites for its students.
Portland, ME
At the University of Southern Maine, a clinical placement coordinator works with the students to security their clinical sites wherein they will work with individuals, families and high risk populations.
Chestnut, MA
With over 85 healthcare partners throughout the Greater Boston area, the Connell School of Nursing at Boston College has its own placement specialist who will arrange sites for students wherein they will gain invaluable experience in world-renowned hospitals, innovative community agencies, public health departments and other practice settings.
Binghamton, NY
Ranked as the seventh best nursing school in the state of New York, the Decker School of Nursing identifies and places student in clinical settings with an appropriate NP or MD preceptor.
New York, NY
FNP students at Columbia have clinical sites available to them in the tri-state area and beyond, which can be permanent or rotating. Students are assigned to sites in a variety of setting such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, home care or schools.
Dallas, PA
The MSN programs at Misericordia have an entire clinical coordination team who finds clinical placements for its students. Aspiring FNPs also have the flexibility schedule their clinicals based on their availability.
Philadelphia, PA
Top-ranked, the FNP program at the University of Pennsylvania finds its students diverse clinical experiences in the inner city, the suburbs and abroad, where students can interact with patients speaking languages other than English while also gaining experience with culturally diverse populations.
Villanova, PA
At Villanova, FNP students are placed in a variety of practice settings with physicians and nurse practitioner preceptors who serve as mentors and role models throughout the clinical experience.
Are you taking clinical placement into account in your NP program decision?
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