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10 Popular Reads about NP & PA Salaries in 2016 | ThriveAP

Written by Erin Tolbert, MSN, FNP-C | Dec 29, 2016 10:00:29 PM

We’re back at it with the best-of’s here at ThriveAP. To ring in the New Year, we’re taking a look back at the most popular blog posts of 2016. It seems the nurse practitioner and physician assistants out there like to read about money (we’re with you). Articles about salary consistently made an appearance on our most popular blog post rankings over the past 12 months. Here were your favorites.

1. 6 FNP Skills Required to Earn Above 100K

Yeah, yeah, first year family nurse practitioners who have landed six-figure salary jobs immediately after graduation do exist. Barely. The majority of FNPs, however, earn less than the $100K mark. Salaries for nurse practitioners are on the rise, but extra effort is required for FNPs looking to cross the coveted six-figure salary echelon. If you are a family nurse practitioner, honing the following skills just might get you a significant salary bump. Continue Reading…

2. PA vs. MD Salaries: State-by-State Comparison

It’s well known that physicians earn significantly more than physician assistants. But, how much more? Several factors come into play in comparing salaries of healthcare providers. Location and specialty are primary influencers. Comparing PA and MD salaries on a state-by-state basis gives a more in-depth picture of differences in compensation between the two professions. Continue Reading…

3. Your Productivity Bonus is Less Than Expected, What Now?

Unfortunately for myself and my neighbors forced to listen to my clanking car rattling into the parking lot, my first productivity bonus amounted to….drum roll….nothing! You can imagine my disappointment when I received that particular month’s paycheck. If you also encounter a situation where your nurse practitioner bonus is less than expected, take the following steps… Continue Reading…

4. Nurse Practitioner vs. Physician Salaries: State Breakdown

Occasionally, patients or acquaintances ask me why I did not become a doctor. I can always tell salary is on their mind. “Why would she choose to work a similar job for less?”, they wonder. Admittedly, compensation was a significant part of my own decision making process as I selected my career path. I became an NP knowing full well that my salary would be significantly lower than that of a physician. Just how much lower are nurse practitioner salaries compared to those of physicians? Continue Reading…

5. 3 Answers to “How Much Do You Want to Make?”

Talking about money is super awkward. This can be especially true in a job interview setting. You don’t want to lose the position by seeming greedy or outlandish, On the other hand, you certainly don’t want to sell yourself short with too safe a reply when you’re asked “How much do you want to make?”. Many employers compensate nurse practitioners a set salary or hourly rate across the board eliminating this awkwardness. Others embrace the negotiation process. If you’re in the market for a new nurse practitioner position, it’s time to sharpen your interview tactics. Continue Reading…

6. How to Ask for a Raise as a Nurse Practitioner

As a nurse practitioner, you may feel that your salary is not longer competitive in the job market, or, that your skill set has increased making you a more profitable asset to your practice. Regardless of the reason you believe you’re due a salary increase, thinking through how you will approach the ask is essential to your success. The following pointers will help you navigate the process of asking for a raise in your nurse practitioner job. Continue Reading…

7. 10 Highest Paying Nurse Practitioner Specialties

With the ever increasing demand for healthcare, it’s no surprise that NPs are now sought after more than ever before. In addition to the job market and other factors such as location and experience level, specialty undoubtedly plays a huge role in determining salary for nurse practitioners. So which nurse practitioner specialties earn the most? Continue Reading…

8. An FBI Hostage Negotiator Gives Advice for Getting the NP Salary You Want

I love action movies. Anything with war, drug trafficking, a hero and heroine uniting in dramatic fashion despite a spray of machine gun fire – yes, that’s the flick for me. So, when a family member suggested I read former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss’ book, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It, I was game. I figured that if I was going to read a book on professional development, it might as well be one authored by someone with some interesting stories and utmost credibility. Continue Reading…

9. 5 Lowest Paying Nurse Practitioner Specialties

we looked at the top ten highest paying nurse practitioner specialties; but which specialties are on the low end of the salary totem pole? While location and experience undoubtedly affect how much NPs can expect to make, there are a few specialties that seem to mean lower pay. Which nurse practitioner specialties earn the least? Continue Reading…

10. What’s the Average Hourly Wage for Nurse Practitioners?

Many of us as nurse practitioners are not salaried employees. We may work unconventional schedules that don’t lend themselves to tabulating compensation on an annualized basis. Or, we may work less than full-time, picking up a shift here and there, making hourly pay more practical. How much should you expect to earn per hour working as a nurse practitioner? Continue Reading…

What were your favorite posts about nurse practitioner and physician assistant salaries in 2016?